
Thursday 9 November 2017

Crazy cool time at Kelly tartlons

On Friday we went to Kelly tarltons 8th September. We  went with some teachers and parent helpers.
We started in the golden zone,hub two. We went to learn about how our actions can effect the effect was so fun

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Mysterious meat lovers pizza

meat lovers pizza is the food of champions! It is totally mouth watering and rich and meaty. It tastes even better with Shrimp and BBQ sauce.

The flavour is bold and intense. It is very meaty with no veggies!mmmmm delicious!

It smells rich and strong. It also smells so good!

It feels slimy and sticky. It also feels soft

It sound silent but when you eat it it sounds squishy.

Looks delicious and meaty!

Wednesday 1 March 2017

New Blog

I have a blog of my own.